Match Review Panel

Grand Final SANFL Match Review Panel

Glenelg’s Will Gould will challenge a three-match penalty for engaging in rough conduct with Norwood’s Finn Heard in Sunday’s Grand Final at Adelaide Oval.

Gould will face the SANFL Tribunal on Tuesday October 1 at 6pm.

Will Gould (Glenelg) – Rough Conduct

Conduct: Intentional

Contact: Body

Impact: Severe

Penalty: 3 Matches (Challenging)

Glenelg’s Will Gould has accepted a $125 fine and reprimand for engaging in rough conduct with Norwood’s Sam Morris in Sunday’s Grand Final at Adelaide Oval.

Will Gould (Glenelg) – Rough Conduct

Conduct: Careless

Contact: High

Impact: Low

Penalty: $125 Fine and Reprimand (Accepted)

Glenelg’s Oscar Adams has accepted a one-match penalty for engaging in rough conduct with Norwood’s Mitch O’Neill in Sunday’s Grand Final at Adelaide Oval.

Oscar Adams (Glenelg) – Rough Conduct (High Bump)

Conduct: Careless

Contact: High

Impact: Medium

Penalty: 1 Match (Accepted)

Norwood’s Mitch O’Neill has accepted a $125 fine and reprimand for making forceful front-on contact with Glenelg’s Chris Curran in Sunday’s Grand Final at Adelaide Oval.

Mitch O’Neill (Norwood) – Forceful front-on Contact

Conduct: Careless

Contact: High

Impact: Low

Penalty: $125 Fine and Reprimand (Accepted)

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