F: Daniel, Castle, Perry
HF: Pope, McKendrick, Ewings
C: Greet, Hatchard, Case
HB: Gauci, Ward, Sundstrom
B: Clark, Harvey, Radan
R: Rasheed, Woodland, Tynan
INT: Arthur, Barltrop. Gallio, Howell, Reynolds, Taylor, Woodards
IN: Barltrop, Howell, Woodards
F: Gore, Kirk, Bennett
HF: Tahau, Cavouras, Schirmer
C: Hammond, Campbell, Charlton
HB: Whiteley, Pennifold, Buchanan
B: Munyard, Smith, Northcott
R: McKinnon, Meyer, Haylock
INT: Copley, Wedding, Flanagan-Sjoberg, Kraft, Gibbs, Clifton, Ross
IN: Wedding, Gibbs, Ross
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